God With Us by His Word
As we begin it's important to acknowledge that understanding scripture and its subtleties ultimately depends on God's favor. Any help that the present website may offer to readers is due to His blessing on the work, bestowed in response to the present writer's prayer for understanding.
Scripture indicates God's power is infinite (Gen.1:1), so we expect pre- servation of His written Word perfectly throughout history, but today scholars reject this. For example, they reject the only direct teaching on the Trinity in 1 Jn.5:7,8 of the KJV, due to late and minor manuscript support, but the nature of the support proves the teaching is authentic beyond question (essay 4a). They classify as archaic KJV words that in some contexts have no true alternative (e.g. Dayspring in Lk.1:78 of essay 14). They even suggest God didn't preserve the authentic Greek New Testament text for ~1400 years, scholars "restoring" it in the 19th century A.D. for their modern versions. Actually, all such scholar vanity is ridiculed by evidence of God's infinite power. (*Note: The 9th item in the essay column reveals what scholars overlook by their views)

Opening Our Eyes to the Ultimate Reality:
The Infinite Creator of Mankind
did you begin to exist? Your parents inherited the genes of you &
your siblings from your grandparents, who inherited those of you,
your siblings & parents, and uncles, aunts & all their
children from your great-grandparents, who inherited those of you,
your siblings & parents, and your uncles, aunts & all their
children, and your grandparents, and great uncles, great aunts &
all their children from your great-great-grandparents, etc. Your
ancestry and all others began in two original
great-great-great-great-great.......grandparents having all genetics that produced all
generations,* and you were always there. Your
genetics controlling personality, intellect, height, ethnicity, etc.,
or you before you took on flesh & a spirit (Ecc.12:7), are a product of many gene
*In the small pre-Flood population, close relatives could intermarry, gross bodily defects of mutation not being a problem, likely because a water-vapor canopy above the atmosphere shielded earth from radiation causing mutation effects like longe- vity-limiting cancer. Flood rain depleting the canopy explains post-Flood decreasing longevity & mutation of some persons noted in scripture (see essay 19, topic 5 for causes of ethnic differences). Mutation was delayed, but was a problem by David's time, as seen by a giant with 6 fingers on each hand and 6 toes on each foot in 2 Sam.21:20. The giants' population became very limited (Josh.13:12), resulting in intermarriage of close relatives, and cumulative mutation effects would eventually end their propagation.
combinations that all stem from Adam & Eve over 6000 years ago, and that's when you began to exist (and Levi in Abraham's loins, long before birth, paid tithes to Melchizedek - Heb.7:9,10). God knew the present you before He formed you in the belly, to prepare you for the role in life He ordained for you, as He said of Jeremiah (Jer.1:5). In His book all your members were written when as yet there was none of them, as God said of David (Ps.139:15,16). God allowed all gene combinations that identify you, so you were in His plan at the creation. Your genes, uniting with others, can produce increasingly-combined forms of you indefin- itely. Unlimited propagation of increasingly-variant and complex mental & physical life from two original parents speaks of an infinite Creator. He cares for you personally, being willing to guide you by His Spirit to make your life fruitful unto eternity, yet many steadily approach eternity denying the reality of God, and setting their own standards of life & morality to create chaos.
How are we to react to God's creation power in us?
God created you for the role in life He ordained for you, but gives you a choice. You can receive salvation in Christ, and follow Him by His Word, or you can follow liberals, scientists & scholars who hate moral- ity, attacking faith in God & His Word. One day you'll step out into eternity with God's Son, or with those who live by their own rules. You should compare the two choices, realizing there's no middle ground.
The Christian life requires rejection of carnality, especially in worship of God. Many try to follow God in contemporary worship exalting the world & the flesh, imitating rock-type or nightclub-type carnal music exalting singers & styles instead of God. By contrast, as congregations sing traditional hymns, individuals & styles recede, redeemed souls are filled with joy, and God is glorified, (e.g. Thine be the glory, risen con- quering Son). Contemporary artists often attack Christian standards, promoting immorality & ecumenism to grow audiences and gain fame & fortune, and to imitate their music is to honor satan (Rom.6:6, our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin). Today's music can rob you of your Christian witness in a new kind of identity theft. The carnal world en- courages exalting man's will over that of God, leading to immorality of all kinds, political insanity, hatred of all who don't cooperate and exalt- ing of views of all who attack God's Word. The state of world condit- ions today indicate God judges this behavior by not intervening in its consequences, but His direct judgment seems imminent. Vile sin today, like that causing the Great Flood, (Gen.6:1-7- essay 19, topic 5 offers proof of the Flood) marks the perilous last days of our world (2 Tim. 3:1-9). We desperately need to return to the old paths, following the lighted path to eternity in God's inerrant Word.
God Leads by His spoken Word of
in Scripture: Ps.22 & Mt.2
Clear inspiration: In Ps.22:1 David says My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me, a likely reaction to a seeming lack of God intervening in king Saul's constant effort to kill David. Now David couldn't possibly know that Christ would speak the same words on the Cross ~1000 years later (Mt.27:46). God inspired David's words to show readers over the centuries that Ps.22 prophesies of Christ. This would be God's leading of David to prepare him for the role of prophet, with God allowing unjust trials of David to reflect unjust trials of Christ on the Cross, but preventing Saul from harming David.
Subtle inspiration: In Mt.27:42 priests, scribes & elders mock the Savior on the cross, saying, If he be the king of Israel, let him come down from the cross. At that time only one creature knew He could have come down from the cross; this one hates God, who will send him to the lake of fire ultimately, and he hates God's image in us. He called God a liar, saying to Eve Ye shall not surely die. Satan induced sin in mankind to put us in the lake of fire, and in pursuing this goal, he directs priests, scribes & elders under his power to goad Christ to come down from the cross, and nullify our salvation
In Ps.22:8 David speaks words of men mocking him, saying He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, which is prophecy. In Mat.27:43 elders, priests & scribes mocking Jesus on the Cross say He trusted in God, let him deliv- er him, the same words David spoke in Ps.22:8 (the Psalm that he would deliver him is poetic-style unessential wording; Greek prose gives a strict literal sense). In speaking David's words of Ps.22:8, they prove they're the mockers David prophesied of, and that Jesus is the trusting one he prophesied of, the one pierced in Ps.22:16. This pierced one speaks words in Zec.12:10 identifying Him as the divine giver of inspiration, and the first-born & head of the family of all Judah, Messiah. If the priests, scribes & elders had known their words would relate to Ps.22:16 & Zec.12:10 to reveal Jesus as God and Messiah, they'd never have spoken them; they hated Him for exposing their hypocrisy & sin, reflecting con- trol of them by satan who hates God.
God alone could break satan's hold on priests, scribes & elders to make them speak contrary to their will, veiling the meaning of their words that fulfill prophecy on Christ. In both Mt.27:42 & 43, their speaking style is that of mockery, yet the meaning of 27:43 overwhelms that of 27:42. In the inspiration process, God cont- rols satan's words spoken through evil men in 27:42 (indirect dictation*), and then directly dictates words to the men in 27:43, without altering their speaking style in 27:42. God reveals the darkness of our peril as satan works in men to destroy us in 27: 42, in contrast with 27:43 where God's light of prophecy is on the crucified Christ, who said of those who crucified Him Father for- give them for they know not what they do (Lk.23:34); He can re- deem the worst of men, even the priests, scribes & elders who had falsely accused Him to Pilate, and now mock Him.
dictation refers to God allowing only words of satan serving God's pur- pose in revealing the nature of satan, like his lie Ye
shall not surely die (Gen.3:4) and his claim I will be like the most High (Isa.14:14).
In His unlimited power, God dictates men's words, yet preserves their human speaking style, so His dictation of scripture can be the sole type of inspiration, a plenary/verbal type for God's spoken Word in written form (essay 8). Dictation applies also to Ps.22:1, My God, my God, Why hast thou forsaken me, being the only way David could speak inspired words that Christ would speak on the Cross ~1000 years later. Ps.22:1,8 prophecy, Mt.42,43 fulfillment and all related context would be dictated, as would all prophecy, fulfillment & related context, that constitutes nearly 30% of the entire text of scripture, strongly supporting the concept of dictation as the sole type of ins- piration.
Dictation effects: God's spoken Word resurrected the dead and created the universe, and His spoken Word in written form raises spiritually-dead people to eternal life, and creates in them cour- age to follow God's leading to victory in the face of persecution & hardship. Our response to God's Word is communion of the soul & spirit in worship, and our communion by scriptural classical hymns is worship in verbal response to God. The Holy Spirit infallibly leads us to true narrow worship of God, and to His true Word, but today many seek to commune with God in following humanist man-altered forms of His Word and "non-judgmental spirituality" that just excuses immorality. The written Word of God represents the all-holy Word of God Incarnate, and to mis- represent Him by claiming His grace, but exalting humanism above His Word, is spiritual treason.
Humanists with Minds Closed to God's
Voice Lead Society Today
How evolutionists lead: Their alternative to the Creator of life is a notion that unending chains of human, plant & animal life all came from a one-cell organism born of slimy non-living dirt (God created man from dust, and likely laughs as evolutionists imitate this in life- from-dirt magic). Evolutionists view us as distant cousins to bugs & trees, proposing 4 miracles: 1. Life naturally derived from non-living dirt 2. Radically-different human, plant & animal life all came from the same initial source. 3. Simple species transitioned to complex ones, without producing any of required millions of intermediates exhibiting transition ("examples" always prove to be bogus). 4. Transition occur- red by technically-impossible mechanisms (essay 19, topic 2). To be- lieve in evolution requires a faith in nature defying laws of genetics and all reason & logic.
How could intelligence, joy, sorrow, love, hatred & hope arise from non-living slime devoid of all such common aspects of life? How could physical genes transmit spiritual & mental traits from ancestors to des- cendants by a power other than that of the Creator imparting the traits of life to our first ancestors (Gen.2:7)? How could people, so filled with desire for order & purpose, arise in a world that supposedly began with- out order & purpose? Can we imagine even an inanimate watch pro- duced over millions of years by non-living atoms that accidentally form themselves into parts of precise properties, that in turn accidentally form themselves into this precise time-keeping device? The universe, from one human body to distant galaxies, is far more precise & complex than any watch, and an infinite Creator alone can account for this.
Evolutionists panic as scientists find soft tissue in fossilized dinosaur remains "many millions of years old." Soft tissue can't last many thou- sands of years, let alone many millions, so evolutionists fear for their theory on dinosaur extinction many millions of years before we exist- ed,* and for their theory of billions of years of earth age. The latest case of their hatred of truth denying their theory is a find of soft tissue inside a "65-million-year-old" fossilized horn of a triceratops. The scientist finding soft tissue was fired from his university position, and reportedly was accused of practicing religion by his discovery. (see University fired scientist for finding soft tissue on dinosaur horn). This school practices intolerant humanist religion hostile to truth.
*Schweitzer, a scientist finding soft tissue in "68-million-year-old" Tyrannosaurus bones (essay 11-g), later offered a reason for its preservation. Extreme pressure to refute such findings was removed by her 2-year lab test of soft-tissue preservation by iron in hemoglobin, but that lab test has no relationship at all to millions or thousands of years exposure in real-world environments.
Humanists invent evolution to avoid God and justify immorality, adop- ting faith in nature as their miracle-working god, in common with prim- itive tribes making nature's sun, moon or animals their idol gods. The evolutionist offer to replace God's Word is a lot like the invitation to the fly to make himself at home in the spider's web.
How modern bible scholars lead: They, like evolutionists, discredit all who reject their assumed authority, and again rejection is crucial. Their modern critical Greek texts reflect humanist scholarship favoring high- ly-variant Alexandrian manuscripts lost to all churches for ~1400 years. They assemble a text, choosing readings in manuscripts they prefer, so such a text never existed as a whole, and can't approximate the auto- graphs, for text assembly, preferences & highly-variant lost texts deny preservation. They may say autograph originals were inerrant, but claim manuscript variance shows God didn't preserve inerrant texts, letting them identify a suitable text. But why would God endow inerrancy just to let it soon be lost, making us today rely on tinkering of critics? We consider the few older Alexandrian manuscripts they prefer over the many younger ones of the Traditional-Text ancestor of the Received Text (texts of Traditional-Text manuscripts are likely older - essay 4j). The tinkering results in absence of passages like the underlined parts of He that believeth on me (Jesus) hath everlasting life in Jn.6:47, redem- ption through his (Jesus) blood in Col.1:14, God who created all things by Jesus Christ in Eph.3:9, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God in Acts 8:37 and God was manifest in the flesh in 1 Tim.3:16 (scholars deny a trend here, but see essay 3). Tinkering has no place in God's Word with its vital topics like Christ's deity, trusting Him alone for salvation, and God's will for our lives.
If, as scholars say, God didn't preserve texts of inerrant autographs, scripture content is subject to scholar opinion & change. Today's un- settled critical Greek text (the current Nestle/Aland culminates 28 critical-text editions so far) and the fact of so many differing versions suggests there's no standard book of God. Some modern versions para- phrase greatly or entirely, to suggest the Bible is adaptable to modern tastes, like popular magazines. Loss of faith in a standard unchanging sacred Bible likely contributed to the rise of the emerging church that prefers its own dogma over God's truth. Christ said we'll be judged by His Word (Jn.12:48), necessitating an unchanging inerrant bible. That bible in English is the KJV that majors on texts of Tyndale, the martyr whose undying faith is a seal of authenticity. Today, scholar vanity is a seal of modern-version error.
Inerrant texts preserved for all of God's people can only be traditional ones. To advocate recovery of long-lost texts by scholars is to say that God couldn't preserve His Word for His people for ~1400 years, need- ing the "superior genius" of modern scholars to do the job, reflecting humanist absurdity. Faith in God's preservation of His text is logical, but faith in scholarship of mere sinners is absurd. Indeed, papyri show readings of the Greek Traditional-Text ancestor of the Received Text tracing to the 2nd century, which, in view of its overall text harmony today, speaks of authenticity (see 4j). Alexandrian-text quality worsen- ed greatly over a short time span, from 2nd-century papyri, to troubled 4th-century uncial manuscripts, denying authenticity (see 4j).
Our Guide: God's Preserved Spoken Word, Not Theories of Men
said Man shall not live by
bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of
God (Mt.4:4).* Every spoken
word from God is dictation-inspired scripture, and if we're to live
by them all, they must be preserved in inerrant texts free of man's
tinkering, and in languages we understand. This command applies to
the entire period in which scripture has been endowed, so only
traditional texts can meet the criteria. Thus, inerrant traditional
translations, following a tradition- al textual basis, are vital to living by the Word. Yet many ridicule
trust- ing in God by accepting only a traditional textual basis that culminates in
English form in the KJV (Translations become traditional as God
bestows them). God preserved His inerrant truth for us, the God of
all power, and we can trust the will & power of He who created earth and controls its axial rotation &
orbital revolution so precisely day/season cycles are fully
predictable (Heb.1:3, upholding
all things - by His word - a
big bang yields only chaos).
*We are to live by all that God teaches us, so living by every word means we are to observe what every word of God contributes to the context of the teaching of each scripture passage.
Inerrancy preservation requires God's ongoing intervention to guide the process of manuscript copying & translation, and defeat distortion. Evi- dently, He ordains scholarship advantages in select texts (see YHVH - essay 7c, replenish - essay 15, items 25,26,49 - essay 12 & essays 4a,c, f,h,5a). In the Old Testament, the KJV ben Chayyim Masoretic Text would preserve a true text of select manuscripts, correcting accrued minor error in the older ben Asher (essay 6a). Scholars today favor the ben Asher (Leningrad/Aleppo codices), missing textual maturity restored in true traditional texts (essays 4h, 6a), a matter very different from the 19th-century switch of scholars from the Greek Received Text to long- lost texts. A unique aspect of Old-Testament text history is amplifica- tion, a clarifying/expounding of mystery, subtlety or partial information emphasized in finalization of its canon (essays 6c,d & 11h).
Regarding Greek-text variance, inerrancy would persist historically in select Traditional-Text manuscripts kept by true churches (essays 4a,c, f). From these would come the Received Text to restore inerrancy to the world in general by correcting limited Traditional-Text error. Matured Received-Text editions will restore inerrancy by preserving all authentic passages and their true meaning and proper literality & grammar. In- errancy preservation requires exact literality equivalence, not the word- for-word agreement of full literality. Indeed, equivalence in traditional texts, based on logical language, context & grammar, is the only way to judge inerrancy preservation in the absence of autographs. Exact equiv- alence is the form of inerrancy produced by combined divine & human factors in text generation, the divine touch ensuring total accuracy, des- pite literality variance by the human touch (essay 4i). This textual state contrasts with that of assembled latter-day critical texts based mainly on very discordant long-lost Alexandrians.
Historical inerrancy preservation requires one traditional Old & New Testament, refuting all who say advocating only our traditional English Bible & textual basis is too narrow. Narrow truth prevents confusion & error, and Christ tells us His truth is very narrow, saying narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it (Mt.7:14), and no man cometh unto the Father but by me (Jn.14:6). The consistent accuracy of inerrancy marks the Hebrew/Aramaic & Greek texts of the KJV, and is preserved in equivalent English form in the KJV, as seen by consistently-wrong scholar criticism of these texts. They don't grasp Masoretic-Text uniqueness, wrongly exalt oldest extant manuscripts, at times judge text accuracy on the basis of opinion, are blind to Alexan- drian-Text faults, at times overlook vital textual evidence, wrongly say language-convention up-dating is text revision, often don't relate gram- mar to context, and don't realize that text wording can modify that of textual ancestors, yet retain inerrancy by exact equivalence. Scholars create much textual error in denying God's preservation role, as expect- ed, for Christ said without me ye can do nothing (Jn. 15:5). Christ who was crucified for us cares far too much to give us anything less than His preserved inerrant Word to guide us all along the way to eternity, and would never let His Word take the form of long-lost texts needing scholar tinkering to "correct" it. God's Word endureth forever, but man's glory withereth & falleth away (1 Pet.1:24, 25).
leaders, whose careers depend upon growth, say the church message has
not changed, but most churches have lost the true Word &
hymnology, and adapted to evolutionism & immorality. Such
compromise marks humanist morally-sick lands, but healing is always
possible: 2 Chron.7:14 If my people, which are
called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and
seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (essay
*Version quotes: 1. Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTER- NATIONAL VERSION copyright © 1973,1978,1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing house. 2. "Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968, 1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foun- dation. Used by permission." 3. Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979,1980,1982 by Thomas Nelson Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 4. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved. 5. Some scripture quotations contained herein are from the New Revised Standard Bible, Copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 6. "Revised Standard vers- ion of the Bible, copyright © 1952 [2nd edition 1971] by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved."